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Whatever the sport, from cycling, running, triathlon, football, rugby and more, weve worked on products tailored specifically to the requirements of these activities for our customers’ brands.

Our background as food technologists means we have a comprehensive knowledge of carbohydrates and proteins and their application within products, and our relationships with some of the best quality flavour houses in Europe means that we’re never lacking ideas during development of products for a great tasting new twist or variant.

Examples of products we develop and produce for our customers within the Sport Nutrition area include;

Energy gels and syrups, including highly functional nutritionally packed formulations and gels with more natural components, containing real fruit juices or honey for example. We even produce organic gels.

Powdered Energy drinks, primarily providing blends of high quality carbohydrates and electrolytic minerals to replenish salts and energy stores used during strenuous exercise

Powdered protein and recovery drinks. We only use UK and Irish produced dairy (whey) proteins to ensure reliable and consistent high quality nutrition as well as vegetable proteins such as soya and pea proteins for vegetarian friendly formulations. These drinks can be as simple as a flavoured WPC for a quick protein hit, to specially tailored post exercise recoveries that replenish proteins, carbohydrates and incorporate other elements such as vitamins and minerals or amino acids

Liquid shots such as highly caffeinated and fortified single shot drinks

Many other powdered formulations for sports, for example, pre-workouts containing blends of BCAAs and other amino acids.